Vocabularies with theirs explanations
1. circulate
v. To move throughout an area or group;to move along a somewhat circular route
2. corrode
v. To be slowly weakened by chemical reactions
3. derive
v. To come from,usually through a long,slow process
4. detection
n. Discovering something that cannot easily be found
5. expeditiously
adv. Quickly and efficiently
6. implement
v. To make use of;to carry out
7. innovative
adj. Ahead of the times;novel
8. installation
n. Setting something into position for use
9. maintenance
n. The act of keeping something in good condition
10. simulation
n. An imitation or representation

HOMEWORK 1: Circle the most likely meaning of the word part that is shared within each set of words.
The root "circ / circum" probably means ...
a. around
b. broken
c. fair
d. straight
2. innovative,novel,renovate
The root "nov" probably means ...
a. clear
b. old
c. new
d. sweet
3. installation,implement,imprison
The prefix "in-/im-" probably means ...
a. aside
b. behind
c. in
d. out

1.Please make sure this information (circulates / derives) throughout the office quickly.
2.The (installation / simulation) of the new telephones took three days.
3.In order to stay on schedule,we need to complete this project as (expeditiously / innovatively) as possible.
4.The smuggler moved cautiously through the airport to avoid(detection/maintenance).
5.Years of neglect had caused the buildingis water pipes to (corrode / implement).