Vocabularies and Definitions
1. combustion
n. The process of burning
2. component
n. One part of a system or whole
3. convey
v. To transport from one place to another;to transmit or make known
4. discretely
adv. Separately;distinctly
5. nucleus
n. A central or essential part around which other parts are gathered;a core
6. permeate
v. To spread or flow throughout;to pass through or penetrate
7. rotate
v. To turn around;to take turns in sequence
8. solar
adj. Of,or relating to,the sun
9. source
n. The point of origin or creation
10. trigger
v. To set off or initiate
TOEFL Prep I Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list.Change the form of the word if necessary. Use each word only once.
combustion // convey // permeate // source // trigger
1. It is often difficult to __________ the meaning of a poem to a large audience.
2. The __________ of the gossip was someone inside this office.
3. Her bad mood that day __________ the atmosphere in the laboratory.
4. The internal __________ engine revolutionized the way automobiles run.
5. A cigarette __________ the explosion.
Homework II : Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column.
1. rotate
2. solar
3. component
4. discretely
5. nucleus
(a)separately, as an individual part
(b)spin on an axis