Most of the electricity in the United States is produced in steam turbines.There are many discrete steps in this process.
In a steam turbine,combustion of coal, petroleum,or natural gas heats water to make steam. The steam rotates a shaft that is connected to a generator that produces and electricity.
Finally,that electricity is converted by a transformer conveyed from the turbine to its place of use. Many sources can provide energy to heat the water in a steam turbine.
Coal is primary,producing 51 percent of the countryis electricity.Another common way to heat water for steam turbines is through nuclear power.In nuclear fission,atoms of uranium fuel are hit by neutrons,triggeringa continuous chain of fission that releases heat.
In 2001,nuclear power generated 21 percent of the electricity in the United States.
Solarpower produces less than 1 percent of the United Statesielectricity needs, because it is not regularly available and harnessing it is more expensive than using fossil fuels.Dependence on electricity permeates daily life in the United States. Still, few people are aware of the many components of electricity production.
Read above passage and answer questions below here:
1. What does the author say about solar power?
a. It produces more electricity than any other source.
b. It is a relatively small source of energy for heating water in steam turbines.
c. Electricity producers are trying to use it more regularly.
d. Researchers are trying to make it cheaper to use.
2. In the passage,the word transformer probably refers to a ........
a. truck
b. generator that produces electricity
c. type of turbine
d. device that changes electric currents