1. compensate
v. To give an employee money or other things in exchange for the work he or she does
2. dynamic
adj. Full of energy
3. enterprising
adj. Creative in thinking of ways to make money
4. exploit
v. To take advantage of; to treat inconsiderately in order to profit
5. incentive
n. A possible benefit that motivates a person to do a certain thing
6. industrious
adj. Willing to work hard
7. marginal
adj. Not very significant or effective
8. merit
n. Value; success based on one is work, not on luck
9. promote
v. To move someone to a higher position in a company
10. resign
v. To quit a job

Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column.Write the letter in the blank.
1. compensate
2. dynamic
3. enterprising
4. industrious
5. promote
(a)good at finding business opportunities
(d)move up

Circle the word that best completes each sentence.
1.Some companies move their factories to poor countries in order to(exploit / compensate) the desperation of people who are willing towork for very low wages.
2. For the last five years,weive seen only (dynamic / marginal) improvements in our productivity.
3. Judging by actual money-generating (promotion / merit),Williams is the companyis most valuable employee.
4. I had a lot of (compensation / incentive) to move to our new facility in Minnesota,because two of my brothers live there.
5. Unless my employer stops polluting local rivers,Iim going to (resign/exploit).